Meals & Nutrition

The Palmer Senior Center serves a congregate lunch on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 11:30 a.m. Lunches are provided by Greater Sprinfgield Senior Services, Inc. Please call to sign up for lunch ahead of time @ 283-2670 ext. 3. A $2.00 donation is requested. 

On Tuesday & Thursday @ 9:15 a.m. breakfast is served at the Palmer Senior Center. Meal cost is $3.00 required. Please call to sign up ahead of time @ 283-2670 ext.3.Meals on Wheels is a program that delivers lunch to homebound elders 60 years and older, who are unable to provide their own meals, and who meet certain guidelines. Meals are delivered Monday - Friday between 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please call Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc. at 413-781-8800, information and referral department for more information.

If the Palmer Senior Center has delays or cancels meal services, it will be posted on Western Mass News. Just a reminder, if there are no meal services, this only means in-house meals. It does not include meals on wheels which is up to Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc. Please follow their policy for meals on wheels cancellations. Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc. can be reached at 413-781-8800. 

Brown Bag Program
The Brown bag program is sponsored by the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. The program consists of a bag of groceries handed out at the senior center on the 2nd Friday of the month between 1:00-3:00. Anyone interested should request further information and an application at the senior center.