Palmer Historical Commission
There are seven members appointed by the town manager and room for as many associate members that may be interested. Our goals are to research, record and recommend places of historical value and interest; advise and assist on historical preservation issues; and to create and take actionable steps to better protect our town’s historical resources.
Membership List as of May 2024
Patience Hartley, Chairperson
Barbara O'Donnell, Treasurer
Stephen Nowak, Chairman Emeritis
Frances Nowak
Helene O'Connor, Associate Member and Palmer Public Library Liaison
Virginia Masnicki, Associate Member
Helen Opielowski, Associate Member
Pat Bradley, Associate Member
Frank Trzepacz, Associate Member
The Palmer Historical Commission typically meets on the third Wednesday of each month, excluding the months of July and August, in the Quaboag Valley Historical Room in the Library at 6:15pm.