Domestic Violence Task Force
If you are in an emergency situation please dial 911
Mission Statement: The Palmer Domestic Violence Task Force promotes education and awareness in the community while empowering, educating and providing resources to those who have been affected by Domestic Violence and or Intimate Partner Violence in Palmer or those who have found safety in Palmer.
Who we are:The Palmer Domestic Violence Task Force consists of business owners, community members, survivors and allies.
The Palmer Domestic Violence Task Force Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30PM via Zoom. New members are always welcome.
What is domestic violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that includes the use or threat of violence and intimidation for the purpose of gaining power and control over another person. Violence is characterized by: Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Economic Abuse, Isolation, Emotional Abuse, Control, or Verbal Abuse.
Local Resources
-Palmer Police Department
(413) 283-8792 -non emergency number
Confidentiality: All inquiries sent through email, texts, phone calls, or social media are kept confidential. The only person who has access to these are the PDVTF Manager Emily Skoczylas.
Way Finders
1780 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103
Phone:413-233-1500 | Fax: 413-787-1798
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm