Graves Brook Reservoir
Palmer Water District #1
Palmer Water District #1
A meeting of the Board of Water Commissioner’s will be held, in the Fire Department Annex 12 Walnut St. Palmer, Ma 01069
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 10:00 am. Agenda on view at Walnut Street Office.
Notice Posted February 5th, 2025.
Palmer Fire District No.1 Water Department Water Usage Rates Effective July 1, 2024, The minimum monthly charge is $33.59. |
Monthly Usage: |
Water Rate: |
0 to 434 cubic feet |
$77.39 per thousand cubic feet |
435 cubic feet and up |
$85.38 per thousand cubic feet |
Palmer Water District will be transitioning to quarterly scanning for all customers.
Customers will still receive an estimated minimum monthly bill showing a 0 reading for two months.
The third month will be based using 1302cf. This is the minimum billed based on 434cf over 3 months.
Any usage over the three-month minimum combined 1302cf will be based on a higher rate as it always has been.
All homes are connected to the public water supply via a water service line.
All public water systems must identify, document and plan for removal of all lead service line connections in the water system.
The (MA-LSLI) Web app allows customers to identify and document the service line material used in the homes water service line.
Click the following link to submit all requested information ==> (MA-LSLI) Web App
The 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is available online at ==> bit.ly/Palmer_CCR_2023
Notice to customers from the Palmer Board of Water Commissioners
Effective July 1, 2022
There will be a meter charge on your monthly statement.
The meter charge correlates with the meter size on the property.
5/8" & 3/4" Meter Size = $1.50 Monthly
1" Meter Size = $3.00 Monthly
1-1/2" Meter Size = $4.50 Monthly
2" Meter Size = $6.50 Monthly
3" Meter Size = $8.25 Monthly
Accounts are billed monthly and are due by the second to last business day of the month.
Payments must be received by the due date.
Postmarks are not accepted as receipt dates to avoid late fees.
Please be aware that as of July 1, 2014, CASH IS NO LONGER ACCEPTED.
Checks or money orders should be made payable to "Palmer Water District #1."
Payments may be dropped through the office's mail slot after hours.
Payments may be dropped through the office's mail slot after hours.
When paying by YOUR bank's "on-line" service, please be aware that Palmer Water Department is sent a paper check. It may take up to a week until the payment is received in our office.
If you wish to pay your bill online, please click on the following link:
Under the "Vendor/Municipalities" heading, click on the down arrow and scroll down to
"Palmer Fire & Water District #1".
(The Water Departments for Three Rivers, Thorndike, and Bondsville do not use UniPay)
Click "submit" in order to begin the payment process.
Please verify service address and account number is correct. If your account has a decimal it needs to be added.
If you wish to pay your bill online, please click on the following link:
Under the "Vendor/Municipalities" heading, click on the down arrow and scroll down to
"Palmer Fire & Water District #1".
(The Water Departments for Three Rivers, Thorndike, and Bondsville do not use UniPay)
Click "submit" in order to begin the payment process.
Please verify service address and account number is correct. If your account has a decimal it needs to be added.
MasterCard, Discover and American Express are also accepted in the office during business hours. Bank processing fees apply.
Water Bill's can now be viewed from the INTUITY CUSTOMER PORTAL.
The web address used to sign up MUST have your INTUITY company portal name extension in the web address (URL). Example: “https:///pay.waterbill.com/login-palmer-ma ”, notice the “login-[company]” extension. If the customer wishes to register, they must click the REGISTER NOW button at bottom of your Intuity company logon page and fill out the brief SIGN-UP REQUEST form then click submit. They must check their email, click the ACTIVATE link/button in order to complete the registration process. All fields are required in order to create a customer portal logon.
E-Statement will no longer have the full bill view. You will need to log in to view your whole bill.
Real Estate Transfers
Please note sewer is billed the Wastewater Treatment Plant and paid through the Tax Collector's office.
Bill changes or questions: Wastewater Treatment Plant (413)-283-2671 jferry@townofpalmer.com
Payment or balance questions: Tax Collector 413-283-2601- cbaldyga@townofpalmer.com or slamothe@townofpalmer.com
If you are not sure which district of Palmer, the property is under, please visit the Vision site to verify.
The property transfer request form at the bottom of this page is just for the Palmer Water District #1.
Please contact the other districts for final water readings for them.
Three Rivers: 2031 Main Street PO BOX 182 Three Rivers, MA 01080
Service, Leaks, Info & Billing: (413) 283-9284
Thorndike: 4064 Church Street P.O. Box 164 Thorndike, MA 01079
Email: thorndikewater@gmail.com Phone: (413) 289-1300 Fax: (413) 289-1302
Bondsville: 3174 Main Street P.O. Box 179 Bondsville, MA 01009
Service, Leaks, information and Billing Questions: Ph: 413-284-1627 Fax: 413-284-0165 bfwd3174@comcast.net
Palmer Water District #1
All requests for final water bills for real estate transfers should be made by email.
We have attached a property transfer request form at the bottom of this page.
A three-business day lead time is required.
We need the buyers name, mailing address, and phone number to create their profile.
Please do not call the Treatment Plant as they do not have access to the billing system.