Old Mill Pond School Classroom Floor Replacement


The Town of Palmer Massachusetts, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from Contractors for the CLASSROOM FLOORING REPLACEMENT AT OLD MILL POND SCHOOL, in PALMER, MA in accordance with contract documents in RFP #2017-01

The work is to include the full replacement of the existing carpet flooring in 45 classrooms with hybrid resilient flooring as well as encapsulation of existing asbestos tile with luxury vinyl flooring. The work is estimated to cost $300,000.00.

General Bidders must be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) in the following category of work: Floor Cover. General Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., THURSDAY, April 27, 2017 and publicly opened, forthwith, at the Town of Palmer, Office of the Town Manager, Town Administration Building, 4417 Main Street, Palmer, MA01069.

All Bids should be mailed or brought to the Town of Palmer, Office of the Town Manager, Town Administration Building, 4417 Main Street, Palmer, MA 01069   and received no later than the date and time specified above.   General bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible Bid amount (including all alternates), and made payable to the Town of Palmer. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 44A-J and to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.149 26 to 27Hinclusive.

Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for email delivery starting at 9:00 am, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 2017. For a copy of the bid documents please contact the Town Manager’s Office at 413-283-2603 or by email cblanchard@townofpalmer.com

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. at the Site, Old Mill Pond Elementary School, 4107 Main Street, Palmer, MA 01069.

Town Manager

Town of Palmer