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Chicopee River Watershed Bacteria Sampling
The Palmer Conservation Commission, in partnership with the Chicopee 4 Rivers Watershed Council (C4RWC) will begin Bacteria sampling at select sites on Thursday June 8th, 2023. This year, a DEP grant will allow us to sample at more sites in Palmer! This sampling will inform watershed residents on the recreational health of the rivers in the basin. Results are posted on "Is it Clean?", a site in partnership with CRWC/PVPC.
Click HERE for the most updated water quality reports from 2023! Click on the Palmer balloons and see how our sites sampled this year and in the past!
Click for HERE more detailed bacteria sampling reports from previous years!
Interested in volunteer opportunities and paddling events in the Chicopee River Watershed? Contact chicopeewatershed@gmail.com or call the Palmer Conservation Office at 413-283-2687