The Palmer Police Department is a full-service Law Enforcement agency providing 24/7 police service to the Town of Palmer, which includes the villages of Three Rivers, Thorndike and Bondsville. We serve a population of approximately 12,300 residents in this 32 square mile community located in Eastern Hampden County.
The men and women of the Palmer Police Department are a dedicated team of professionals who strive to provide a high level of Police service that creates a safe environment, reduces crime, and enhances the quality of life for the people in our community. Our staff responds to the public safety needs of the community with the most effective measures available within our existing resources, with the primary focus of ensuring the safety and well-being of our citizens and visitors.
Our policing philosophy balances a foundation of traditional policing concepts with innovative and proactive methods to assist us in our efforts to promote public safety and uphold the rule of law so that individual liberty may flourish. We believe trust and accountability between law enforcement and the community we are sworn to protect is essential to advancing these goals. The success of any Law Enforcement agency is dependent upon the strength of the relationship it maintains with the community. We are fortunate to serve in a community where such a relationship exists. We will continue to build upon that relationship and strive for excellence in our delivery of police service to our citizens.