Palmer Cultural Council

Palmer Cultural Council

mass-culture.org Information for Cultural Council Grant Applicants

FY 2024 Approved Grant Applications

We are pleased to announce those grant applications for FY24 that were approved by the Cultural Council. There were 31 applications totalling a requested amount of $48,062. The amount we had available from Mass Cultural Council for this year's grant application cycle was $17.120. A difficult task. However, here are the projects/events which we approved and the amounts awarded.

Christmas/Holiday Sing along with the Fanfare Brass at St. Paul's Universalist/Unitarian Church $450
Common Threads in the Cloth of Humaity - Old Mill Pond $260
Worcester Ecotarium First Grade at OMP - $1790
Old Sturbridge Village Field Trip - OMP $1096
2nd Grade Globetrotters - A World Tour of Virtual Adventures OMP $500
Light Up Palmer - $1000
Hanover Theater: A Christmas Carol - PHS $1250
Worcester Braveheartas: Baseball in Education Days - PHS $600
Washington, DC Trip - PHS $3838
Palmer Monson Family Network - Family Art and Music in the Park $300
5th Grade Ecology School in Saco, ME trip - OMP $5436
Name That TV Theme Song - Council on Aging - $300
Mister G's Multicultural Concert - Workshop 13 - $300

Our priorities were first time applicants, field trips, senior citizens and family events. The responses from our Community Survey of 2022 indicated these are the target areas of interest.

Congratulations to all the successful applicants; many of whom are teachers at Old Mill Pond and Palmer HIgh School working on behalf of their students.

New Members Needed

The Palmer Cultural Council welcomes new members.  The majority of our volunteer work is done end of October through February.  Interested persons need to submit a letter of interest with reasons why they would like to serve Palmer in this capacity to the town manager.  Term of appointment is three years.  Meetings are held at the convenience of a majority of the members; but usually during the day but night meetings can also be arranged.  If you enjoy the arts, cultural, local history, exploring the world and opportunities around you and would like our youth, families and senior citizens to enjoy the same, the Palmer Cultural Council is for you!  palmerculturalcouncil@gmail.com.  We'd love to hear from you!


FY 2024 Grant Applications Now Available

The window of opportunity to apply for FY 2024 Mass Cultural Council grants through the Palmer Cultural Council opened on September 1, 2023.  Grant applications can be found on the Mass Cultural Council website and must be submitted on line.  Deadline to apply is October 17, 2023.  More information is available by contacting the Palmer Cultural Council - palmerculturalcouncil@gmail.com.

FY 2023 Approved Grant Applications

8th Grade Washington, DC trip $3,750

Patriots Hall of Fame Presented by Ratheon $360

America's Judicial System:  County Level Incarceration Facilities Field trip $350

Palmer Villages/Palmer Voices (Library) $1500

Summer Reading Program Performances (Library) $1,000

Pathfinder Tech Arts and Culture Night $1665

A Musical Journey Through the Years - Senior Ctr. $225

Food Trucks, Farmers & Artisans Market $1,000

Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce - Holiday Harvest Festival $1,000

Beatles and Beyond Valentine's Day Performance Senior Ctr. $250

Harvest/Thanksgiving Luncheon - Senior Ctr. $250

2023-2024 Members

Palmer Cultural Council Members for 2023-2024 year are :

Beth Zelazo, Chairperson

Sandy Noonan

Donald Blais

Janice Fountain

Jan McCoy

Kathy Scarglia, Treasurer

Judi Bechard, Secretary

Chris Reim


Email:  palmerculturalcouncil@gmail.com

We also have a Facebook page

Palmer Cultural Council Seeks Grant Applications


The Palmer Cultural Council has set an October 17th deadline for organizations, schools, and individuals to apply for grants that support cultural activities in the community.

 According to Council spokesperson, Beth Zelazo, these grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Palmer including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artists residencies or performances in schools, workshops and lectures.

A high priority will be given to projects that address cultural equity, diversity inclusion and encourage community involvement and a diverse audience. Projects appropriate for youth, teens and families are highly recommended.  Respondents of the council’s Community Input Survey indicated their desire for projects in nature and science, arts education in the schools, community wide gatherings, theater, field trips for students to museums, science centers or performances and projects celebrating local history and neighborhood revitalization.  Artists and groups must have booked a program date and time with a local venue.  Organizations or individuals that have received funding for the last three years will receive a lower priority.

 The Palmer Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth.  The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year.  The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community. 

Last year, the Palmer Cultural Council distributed approximately $11,400 in grants.  Previously funded projects include Palmer Library summer series programs, holiday crafts festival at Pulaski Park, hip hop Dance chair exercises for seniors, media recording equipment for PHS Life Needs Class, Palmer villages, Palmer voices history preservation project, Bad News Jazz concert, PHS field trip to Hanover Theater,  and Three Rivers Chamber food truck and artisan markets at Hyrniewicz Park.

For local guidelines and complete information on the Palmer Cultural Council contact palmerculturalcouncil@gmail.com , their Facebook page or at massculturalcouncil.org.  On-line applications will be available beginning September 1 at massculturalcouncil.org.

List of FY22 Approved Grants from the Palmer Cultural Council

List of FY22 Approved Grants from the Palmer Cultural Council


#16645 Tinseltown Inventor - Hedy Lamarr  - Palmer Historical Cultural Council      $830

#16586 Deborah Sampson - A Revolution of Her Own - Palmer Historical Cultural Council - $575

#13451 Palmer High School - Carlos Odria Guitar Workshop and Concert -  $600

#13025 Monson Against Domestic Violence Healing Arts Workshop and Artshow - $100

#11857 Palmer High School - Hanover Theatre - A Christmas Carol     $2500

#11074 Hip Hop Dance Chair Exercises for Seniors!  $100

#7954 Jeff Gavioli and His Bad news Jazz and Blues Orchestra - $1600

#6807 Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce - Holiday Harvest Fair - $1018

#6621 Henry the Juggler Performance - Food Truck Festival - $450

#6196 Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce - Food Truck, Farmers and Artisan Markets  - $1540

#5635 Palmer Public Library Summer Reading Performance Series - $1300

#3751 Hilltown Families Suggests On Line Education - $50

#3007 Palmer High School Life Needs Class Technology Unified Cooking - $1000

Total Awarded     $11,663